What is the secret of the Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba?

By: Edwin Daniels
Read in:  Español | עברית
UNESCO included the site as a world heritage. Every description mentions it as a place that was an ancient Visigoth church (not much known about them, apparently Germanic tribes, pagans who received Christianity somewhere in the 4th century)
So, what is the secret that no one want to tell you?
Towards the end of the 8th century, the Muslims built a mosque that was enlarged over the years by the Muslims rulers. In 1236 CE the area was conquered by the Christians, and they converted and built a Catholic cathedral again.
What is not told is:
The Visigoth church, built in the 6th century, was built on the remains of an ancient Roman temple, which for itself, was erected on the remains of a very ancient Jewish synagogue!
The Origin is Israel.
Other fact: The most common name for mosques outside the Arab countries is "Cordoba"!
Most Westerners do not understand the meaning of this fact!

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