Meet Our Team
Edwin Daniels
From the historical catastrophe that the king of Assyria destroyed the kingdom of Israel and exiled the northern tribes of Israel from his land, I was born in India.
The children of Israel had to wait 2700 years until we could return to the land of Israel.
As a child immigrating to Israel, meeting neighbors from Romania or Poland ... I was in shock! How did the Israelites get there?! I ran to the Bible ... trying to figure out… but found neither Romania nor Poland mentioned there ...
And so, the boy born in Pune, India, raised up in Israel, found himself leading projects in Switzerland, Israel, India, Africa ... and wherever I go, I go with the Bible and the Land of Israel with me.
The Bible and its influence in the world, the miracle of the return of Israel to its land, the Hebrew language ... I faced all these if I wanted ... or not ....
Naomi Ruth, has a BA in education and is particularly fond of special education.
Tair Miriam
Tair Miriam, our youngest team member is inspiring, encouraging and stimulating us ...
Sunny the cat
Sunny, our Cat, an online National Geographic Channel…. Makes us wonder how a fat, lazy cat can catch pigeons, little birds, and snakes.