Is Salim Salman Khan actually an Israeli actor?

By Edwin Daniels | March, 2020
Read in:  עברית
Salman Khan is one of the famous Indian film actor, producer, occasional
singer and television personality. He is worth more than 300 Million dollars,
looking very good, unmarried. He dated another famous Miss World and
actor- Aishwarya Rai.

 Well ... Maybe Salman Khan doesn’t know it, but he carries a typical Israeli Name.

His Name is actually Shalom Shlomo Cohen.

Hi, you may say, what nonsense! Really?!

Well let’s take a look at his name and the origin and the meaning of his name. 

Salim – Comes from nothing less that the Bible, Yes that old book of the people of Israel. Salim is another form of Shalom (שלום), the Hebrew word used for greeting each other.
Although the word is known as “Peace” the deep inside meaning is “Shalem” – whole, unbroken.


It’s not Arabic – It’s Hebrew, the Arabs took it from the Hebrew. That is exactly how they took the most spread old greeting of the Israelites – “Shalom Alechem, Alechem Shalom” , which turned to – “Salamu alaykum, Wa alaykumu s-salam”.

Salman- origins from the…Hebrew Bible. It’s actually Solomon or as it’s in Hebrew- Shlomo, which means again- “Shalem”-whole, unbroken, in one piece, and from here comes the word “Peace”.

Khan – Comes from Cohen, which means priest. It is used a lot among the
Israelis/Jews and it’s also written Chan, Khan, Kahana. The first highest priest was Aharon, the brother of Moses.
All Cohens in the world are the offspring’s of Aharon and this was proof by a
genetically test.
Attribution: Bollywood Hungama 
under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.  

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