The Great Journey of Chatul to Greece - Hebrew Version

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​Chatul is a cat; Mizrach is a man. This book holds the story of cats, men and words. When the Earth was young and Abraham walked the lands of Israel, many languages were just coming to life from other older tongues.

-------- Hebrew Version Book --------

Chatul is a cat; Mizrach is a man. This book holds the story of cats, men and words. When the Earth was young and Abraham walked the lands of Israel, many languages were just coming to life from other older tongues.
You might not know it, but whenever you mention the word “cat,” you’re revealing a whole history with these three letters. This, as Chatul’s first journey, is probably one of the most amazing feats that a cat has ever done in the past; even the Puss in Boots would envy Chatul’s charm, for he’s an ancestor of all of the feline deals.
Find out what happened in Chatul’s great journey to Ancient Greece through the carvings and inscriptions of this wonderful vellum… or if you prefer it, lines and drawings of this very awesome book. You’ll be surprised with it



